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1. General information


The webpage at internet address is operated by Mybettershelf Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (Mybettershelf Trade Limited Liability Company)

Short name: Mybettershelf Kft.

Registration number: 01-09-373198 - Company Registry Court of Budapest-Capital Regional Court (Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága)

Tax number: 28768038-2-42

Headquarters: 41 Jerney Street, 3 rd floor 12, Budapest 1148, Hungary (Magyarország, 1148 Budapest, Jerney utca 41. 3. em. 12. ajtó)

Postal address: 41 Jerney Street, 3 rd floor 12, Budapest 1148, Hungary (Magyarország, 1148 Budapest, Jerney utca 41. 3. em. 12. ajtó)

Telephone: +36 20 365 3641


Website: (Supplier hereafter).


You can get information about Supplier’s services and products at this website. By browsing and using this website and the constituent sites (hereafter website altogether), you compulsively accept the regulations, information and the contents of contract and Users’ conditions. Supplier can alter these at any time, and will publicize these changes, as well as the general contracting and User’s conditions at this website.


Supplier has placed information at this website to give information, so they are not considered consultancy. Supplier takes all necessary steps so that publicized data correlates with reality, however, information from the website cannot be a direct source of any rights and commitments. Supplier takes responsibility exclusively for confirmed information, but this does not apply to any information modified by any malfunction of hardware and software, unauthorized intervention and data changed or modified by viruses.


2. Copyrights, industrial property rights


Copyright contents at website – including, but not exclusively referring to, for example tests, layout, software, pictures, diagrams, audio materials, audiovisual materials, recordings, source codes and contents – belong to Supplier. Copyright contents and materials under exclusive permission of authors are protected by Hungarian and international copyright laws. Modifying, copying, multiplying, republishing, uploading, downloading, postal or other transport, making available, making it view for the public, using it for creating other material, making links pointing at it, transferring, selling or using contents or any parts of them for public or any commercial purposes can happen exclusively after Supplier’s explicit written approval.


Without the explicit written permission of Supplier, no modification, copying, multiplication, re-publishing, upload, download, postal or other forwarding of trademarks or service brands that can be found at website is possible, neither is making them available and public. The same applies to usage of trade-marks and service brands to create other materials, or any other disposal and public or commercial usage.


Partly different judgement applies to contents legitimately purchased from open sources with free usage target, and to contents coming from Supplier partners based on separate contracts. Regarding these, copyright and industry rights defence does not belong to Supplier (but the owner of contents), however, download or any use of contents like these from present website without the preliminary written permission of entitled and Supplier is also injurious.


3. Usage of information and contents


Website has been created exclusively to inform visitors, and is not considered to be any kind of advice. Articles/videos from different areas are provided for information only and do not constitute as professional consultations. Content of website, including conditions and descriptions that can be found there, can be modify without preliminary notification. Supplier calls attention to the fact that certain countries do not allow, or limit the use of some information, products or materials of the website, consequently, using website is the responsibility of customers. Using, forwarding and re-publicising contents or parts of the contents that are publicised on the web page can solely happen with Supplier’s prior written consent and with indication of source.


Without Supplier prior, specific consent, all copyrighted contents that are publicised on the web page can only be taken over in full, unchanged form by explicit reference to the web page and indication of the source and the author. In case of contents made by other external author than Supplier, the author’s prior written consent is necessary as well as following all the instructions the author gives about the indication of the author’s status. Without Supplier’s clear and definite permission it is strictly forbidden to create any works and materials - including but not limited to lettering, icons, link buttons, wallpaper, desktop themes, online postcards, montages, cut and similar videos, greeting cards and unauthorized goods - which comes from contents that are publicised on the web page or are based on them. It is strictly forbidden to use the website without permission, as well as misuse passwords and information. Except of the reference, the domain name under can be used solely with Supplier’s prior written permission.


4. Links pointing to other sites


Supplier may place links and references to websites operated by third parties. These links and references can be used freely by visitors. Supplier does not check these websites and is not responsible for their content. Placing such links is not considered as support or suggestion of Supplier’s opinions, ideas, products, information or services. Legal relationship between users and websites in the link, including paying for and delivery of products and services offered at that site, exclusively depends on the relationship of Users and operator of that certain webpage. Supplier does not have any effect on external websites accessible through links that are placed on the website. Supplier is not responsible for consequences that are results of Users visiting, using or not being able to use external webpages, or contents, products and services offered there.


5. Links pointing at


It is only allowed to place links pointing at with the written consent of Supplier, except of proper references on adopted copyrighted contents described in Part 3. Links directing at website cannot cause damage in the reputation of Supplier or its websites. Supplier reserves the right to abolish any permitted links without previous notice, if a link might cause any damage in the reputation or functioning of Supplier or its websites.


6. Removal of contents


Supplier reserves the right to remove any contents from the website without previous notice and explanation.


Updated: February 24, 2023

Mybettershelf Kft.

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